Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Red Light Cameras

Apparently laziness isn't standing in the way of the government trying to screw us. Since they don't want to pay to put a cop on every corner to catch all of us doing something they can fine us for, the powers that be have decided to install Red Light Cameras. The concept seems simple enough- if your car goes through the light when it is red, the camera snaps a photo of your license plate while another snaps the light showing it was red. Or does it. How do we know there isn't a time delay? What if you go through on yellow and it changes to red after you enter? And what if you aren't driving? I thought the burden of proof was on the government... i seem to recall reading that somewhere. But instead the burden shifts to the citizen to prove he was not driving or the light wasn't red. Now there is talk of the city making this offense civil in nature to avoid all of those pesky Constitutional issues. I for one will tell everyone I know to tell the city to fuck off. If you receive a summons in the mail, throw it away. The City will never be able to prove you received it. If they fine you, don't pay it. The County jail is over capacity as it is, no way in hell they will ever put anyone in jail for civil contempt for not paying this stupid ass fine. Its a joke.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

More Reasons to Hate the Man

Every day brings validation as to why I hate the government. Let me count the ways:

1. Jasper County Missouri has decided to have a 7th grader stand trial as an adult. Thats right folks, a 7th grader! He brought a gun to school and pointed it at the teacher before firing a round into the ceiling. A kid with some problems to be sure but to try him as an adult is insane.

2. "Discretionary Sex Offenders"... Here is the scenario... average property crime, let's say Tampering (damaging a vehicle). Defendant pleads guilty and is placed on probation with the usual conditions. He meets with his Probation Officer who runs his history. History shows that 10 years ago client was ARRESTED (never charged or convicted) for sexual misconduct. PO takes it open him/herself to order client to go to sex offender counseling. Client balks. Judge upholds the PO's order and now you are going to sex offender treatment with rapists and pedophiles. And when you deny that you are a sex offender, they kick you out, the PO files a violation report and the same judge revokes you and sends you to prison. You have to love America.

3. Client is charged for domestic assault (hitting her brother in law with car). Client posts bond. Client is unable to make the payments to the bondsman who brings her to court the day of the Preliminary Hearing. The State is not ready to proceed as they have no "victim" (what a shock on a domestic). Here is where it gets interesting. Not only is the case not dismissed but client is taken into custody! She shows up, the State is not ready yet she ends up in jail.

4. I hate bonds in general. If you are poor you are a flight risk and a danger to the community. But if you can come up with a grand total of $1000 (which PD clients cannot), then the State suddenly is not so concerned and looks the other way. Add to that the fact that a client on the outside can build a positive history prior to sentencing as opposed to the client that sits in jail and stares at a wall for 6 months.