Friday, December 22, 2006

Another Disgruntled P.D.

People often ask public defenders what it is they really do. I have heard many possible answers but a friend of mine came up with the best one and thus became the name of this blog. He said, we really only do three things: Ask Questions, Raise Hell and Bitch.

Ever see Animal House when Jim Belushi says, "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor.... it's not over till we say its over.

You know when you have had a good day? When the Judge, the cops and the PA are all pissed off at you. You can smile and go home happy. Freedom is preserved for at least one more day.

It's not an easy job. The best shirt I ever saw was from NCDC. "Don't tell my mom I'm a criminal defense attorney, she thinks I'm a piano player in a whorehouse.

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